
public class CDAKGlobals

Stores and manages all cross-record data and settings for CDA import and export

  • allows access to all global properties



    public static let sharedInstance = CDAKGlobals()
  • If you’d like to globally apply organizational metadata to your CDA headers for all CDA documents you can inject that metadata here.

    If Record-specific metadata is found, that will be used instead.



    public var CDAKDefaultMetadata: CDAKQRDAHeader?
  • Allows importing of non-standard CDA documents. If we find an XML file with the general CDA header we’re going to attempt to import it

    Any document with a template ID of 2.16.840.1.113883., but does not conform to another known OID for a CCDA / C32 type (or whatever else we support) will be caught and send through the CCDA importer.

    The default value is false. You will need to explicitly enable this if you want to attempt to import unknown document types.



    public var attemptNonStandardCDAImport = false
  • Allows extension of known code systems as we find new ones - or you can add them explicitly.

    Requires entry in the format - OID: VocabualaryName

    EX: 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 : LOINC,

    During import this will be automatically extended to incorporate new types that are not in the original Ruby version of HDS.

    You can inject any custom code systems and OIDs here



    public var CDAK_EXTENDED_CODE_SYSTEMS: [String:String] = CDAKCodeSystemHelper.CODE_SYSTEMS